
How are hypertension and diabetes related?

Diabetes and hypertension or high blood pressure are 2 different conditions, yet they have so much in common!

The causes and risk factors of diabetes and hypertension both are the same!

Yes, the causes and risk factors are the bridge that connects both these conditions. And thus, as the cause of both the conditions is the same, people have both these conditions together.

Are you also suffering from diabetes and hypertension?

Don’t worry! Visit the best diabetes specialist in Ghaziabad right now to effectively manage both these conditions.

What are the causes of diabetes and hypertension?

Diabetes and hypertension both share common causes which are as follows-

  • Obesity
  • Insulin resistance
  • Stress
  • Inflammation

What are the risk factors of diabetes and hypertension?

The risk factors of diabetes and hypertension also are similar. Some of the risk factors that both these conditions share in common are as follows-

  • Obesity and being overweight increase the risk of diabetes and hypertension
  • Following an unhealthy diet also makes one more vulnerable to both these conditions
  • Lack of exercise can also make one more prone to diabetes and hypertension
  • Stress and improper sleeping habits also increases the chances of diabetes and hypertension
  • Higher the age higher is the risk of developing diabetes and hypertension
  • Smoking can also increase the risk
  • People having a deficiency of Vitamin D are more prone to suffer from diabetes and hypertension

As both diabetes and hypertension share similar causes and risk factors, both these conditions mostly occur together. And as their causes are similar, their solutions are also similar! The ways to manage diabetes and hypertension both are similar. But before we come to the management of diabetes and hypertension, first let us discuss how diabetes and hypertension affect each other.

Can diabetes lead to hypertension?

Diabetic patients lack insulin, which is the hormone that converts glucose into energy. Due to lack of insulin, glucose does not get converted into energy, instead, it gets accumulated in the bloodstream. This blood consisting of high levels of glucose travel in the body.

This damages the body and its organs including the kidneys and other organs that aid in regulating the blood pressure of the body. Thus, this causes a rise in blood pressure and leads to hypertension. So, yes, diabetes can cause hypertension! So, it is essential to control diabetes by seeking help from a diabetes specialist in Ghaziabad.

Can hypertension lead to diabetes?

Yes, hypertension does increase the risk of developing diabetes. This may be due to inflammation as inflammation affects both conditions- diabetes, and hypertension.

Which complications arise because of diabetes and hypertension?

Diabetes and hypertension can lead to various complications such as follows-

  • Heart problems
  • Stroke
  • Kidney problems
  • Peripheral vascular disease
  • Loss of vision

So, to avoid these severe complications, managing diabetes and hypertension is necessary.

How can one manage diabetes and hypertension?

As the cause and risk factors of diabetes and hypertension are similar, the ways to manage both these conditions are also similar. One can manage both these conditions by visiting the best diabetes specialist in Ghaziabad. One can also manage both these conditions by making the following changes in their lifestyle-

  • Maintain proper weight: Being overweight and conditions such as obesity both can increase the risk of diabetes and hypertension. So, having a healthy weight is very crucial in managing both these conditions. A little reduction in weight can do a great deal of good in managing diabetes and hypertension. One can maintain a healthy weight by exercising and by making certain dietary changes.
  • Regular exercise: Exercising is the path to a healthy body and a healthy life. Exercising can help manage diabetes and hypertension and improve one’s overall health. Even a simple stroll in the garden can be of immense help in managing diabetes and hypertension. So, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to go for a walk in your nearby garden!
  • Eat healthy: As the saying goes, “Eat healthy to stay healthy!” It is very important to eat nutritious and healthy food to avoid and manage diabetes and hypertension. The experienced diabetes specialist in Ghaziabad advises one to follow a balanced diet and include healthy fruits and vegetables in their diet. Also, it is advisable to avoid eating junk and high-calorie foods. Sugary foods should also be avoided.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol: “Smoking and alcohol are injurious to health”. This line is written everywhere for a reason. Because smoking and alcohol are indeed fatal and increase the risk of problems such as diabetes and hypertension. So, it is important to avoid smoking and consuming alcohol to live a healthy life that is free of fatal illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension. To live well, it is important to bid smoking and alcohol a farewell!

Along with the above lifestyle changes, it is also advisable to take medications that are prescribed by your doctor in Ghaziabad and also follow the treatment plan suggested by the doctor to keep diabetes and blood pressure in control.


Though diabetes and hypertension are different conditions, yet they share common causes and risk factors. The ways to manage both these conditions are also similar. By making certain healthy lifestyle changes, one can manage and keep diabetes and blood pressure in control. One can also manage and get effective treatment for diabetes and hypertension by visiting the best diabetes specialist in Ghaziabad.

So, what are you waiting for?

Visit the best diabetes specialist in Ghaziabad right now to say diabetes and hypertension goodbye!

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