India has become the diabetes capital in the world. Most people above the age of 30 have diabetes. In most cases, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 is found among people irrespective of gender. 

It is a chronic disorder—the includes high blood sugar levels. Along with that, it can develop certain other complications as well if not treated timely. 

Though the complication is common among adults and aged people yet children are also getting affected by this. When your body becomes insulin resistant or can not produce enough insulin, your blood glucose level rises and develops Diabetes Mellitus Type 2.

Dr. Ayush Chandra

  • Name – Anjana Gupta
  • Age – 64
  • Gender – Female
  • Uncontrolled Blood Sugar
  • HBA1c – 12.5 
  • FBS(Fasting) – 352 
  • PPBS – 450 
  • Neuropathies – Damage of nerves outside the brain, mainly in the spinal cord
  • Weakness 
  • Fatigue
  • Numbness
  • Frequent urination
  • Pain in hands and feet

After seeing in the first session, Dr.Ayush Chandra understood that the patient was suffering from increased blood sugar. He prescribed the patient a complete body checkup to identify the severity of the complication. The followings are the tests he prescribed – 

  • CBC 
  • Sugar Profile 
  • KFT 
  • LFT 
  • EGFR 
  • Lipid Profile 
  • Thyroid Profile

Dr.Ayush Chandra, the best diabetologist in Ghaziabad, came to the decision that the patient was suffering from Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 after having all the reports in his hands.

The patient was suffering from severe high blood sugar. This increased blood glucose was the reason for all the complications. So Dr.Ayush prescribed the following oral medications – 

  • Oral hypoglycaemic drugs 
  • Gabatin, 
  • Ecosprin

Along with these, the patient was advised to change her lifestyle. Dr.Ayush suggested a proper diet plan full of nutrients and designed to lower the blood glucose level. 

The patient was advised to do regular exercise just for 30 minutes and simple yoga.

  • The patient became fit and healthy within a few months of starting the medication. 
  • Now she has to continue the medicines throughout her life. 
  • The Hba1c report came between after few months.
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