A 23-year patient visited Nivaran Health with uncontrolled blood sugar and allergy. Previously, during a routine annual exam, the patient was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. At the time, the reported blood sugar level was 260 mg/dL. The doctor prescribed metformin. After taking this medicine, the patient experienced an allergic reaction. 

Dr. Ayush Chandra, one of the best diabetologist in Ghaziabad, examined the patient. Dr. Ayush Chandra told the patient about the uncontrolled blood sugar and suspected medication-induced allergic reaction. Then, Dr. Ayush recommended specific tests, including C peptide, anti-GAD, sugar profile, and KFT.

Further, Dr. Ayush analyzed the diagnostic test reports and asked the patient if they used any other drugs or substances besides metformin; the patient said no. So, the doctor confirmed that the patient is allergic to metformin. Hence, he advised the patient to discontinue using the medication. 

Accordingly, Dr. Ayush developed a customized treatment plan to regulate the uncontrolled sugar levels and alleviate the allergy. Further, Dr. Ayush prescribed Novomix 30/70 twice a day and multivitamins. The allergy decreased after a week of follow-up and was gone by the next appointment two weeks later.

Dr. Ayush Chandra

  • Name – Unknown
  • Age – 23
  • Gender – Male

Uncontrolled blood sugar and allergy

  • C peptide
  • Anti-GAD
  • Sugar profile
  • KFT        
  • Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes mellitus 
  • Allergic reaction to metformin     

Premixed insulin, No oral medication     

The most common metabolic condition is diabetes mellitus. High blood glucose levels in diabetic patients have a series of adverse effects. In patients whose diabetes is uncontrolled by diet and exercise, then oral antidiabetic medication is recommended. Metformin belongs to the biguanide class of antidiabetic drugs. Hepatic gluconeogenesis is suppressed, which is a significant pharmacological activity. 

Metformin is the medicine of choice for those with type 2 diabetes, especially overweight or obese. It has been in use for over four decades. But there are specific, more uncommon side effects associated with this medication. Here, Dr. Ayush Chandra diagnosed a rare case of metformin-induced allergy in type 2 diabetic patient.

This is what the patient said, “I am very grateful to Dr. Ayush Chandra. I feel better now because of his effective treatment, and my blood sugar is in the normal range.

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