
Insulin Pump – Myths and facts related to it

Numerous People in India don’t know what nonstop Glucose Infusion or insulin pump implies, what it may resemble, and how it might work. An insulin siphon is a gadget about the size of a mobile phone that contains a cartridge of effective Insulin.

A pump with a screen and fastens with a computer and an engine that drives the Insulin into your body through a flimsy plastic cylinder called an Infusion set.

If you are residing in and around Delhi, visit us to know more about the insulin pump and its working procedure. You will get quality knowledge from the best diabetologist in Model Town, Ghaziabad.  

Insulin pumps are handy for diabetes treatment. At the same time, there are few myths regarding the insulin pump.


Wearing an insulin pump reveals that you have diabetes.


A pump is the size of a little mobile phone. You can utilize both under your garments and over your garments. So, you can keep it a secret on the off chance that you need to. It has only five switches, which are smaller than any buttons on your remote. 


Not easy to use the pump as the technology is challenging. 


The insulin pump is indeed based on technology. But you can quickly learn the functions. Just any new mobile phone, learn the basic things first, then learn the advanced functions. It is effortless to use.  


Insulin pumps will create trouble in your daily activities.


Not at all. Insulin pumps are comfortable to wear and remove. If you are doing an activity like swimming where you do not want to keep the pump with your body, you can easily disconnect it. 


It is painful because you still have to do shots.


You will need only one needle stick at the time of inserting, which is virtually painless. You require an infusion set once every three days.


It requires surgery


There is no requirement for any surgery. It is a small pump which is like a mobile phone. It can deliver Insulin through a small tube under your skin. 


You may forget you have diabetes.


To utilize the pump, you need to check your glucose level before eating and at sleep time. Decide the number of carbs you’ll eat and program these qualities into your pump. The siphon will, at that point, figure and recommend treatment depending on your individualized program setting. So, it remi9nds you that you have diabetes. 


It is not so comfortable to wear a pump.  


It is not correct. In the beginning, you may feel a little bit of uneasiness. However, once you get familiar with the pump, it will not create any problem. 


There is no difference between insulin pumps. 


There are different siphons accessible on the lookout. The differentiator to utilize which one you need 

  • Size of insulin Reservoir 
  • Number of mixture sets 
  • Minimum and most extreme basal and bolus portion Pump’s action to speak with CGM/Meter Water Resistance 
  • Customer backing and preparing accessible. 
  • The best is to visit your Doctor/teacher, which based suits your best.


Pumps can treat only type 1 diabetes.


By utilizing insulin siphons, you give Insulin to your body; typically, i.e., Insulin is discharged into your body in light of your food intake. So, it can likewise be utilized in the case of type 2 diabetes too.

It similarly encouraged using gestational diabetes to maintain a strategic distance from numerous day-by-day pricks of L4 Insulin and get together the insulin need like an ordinary individual.


It can provide more Insulin in my body as the pump releases the Insulin. 


You do not need to think about the capacity of the pump. Because it releases only the required amount of Insulin. So, there is no harm in it. 

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