Diabetes Treatment in Ghaziabad

Nivaran Health is considered one of the leading diabetology clinics for offering the best diabetes treatment in Ghaziabad. Dr. Ayush Chandra, the Founder of Nivaran Health, is one of the best diabetologist in Ghaziabad.

He has 14+ years of overall experience in Healthcare management and clinical practice as a specialist in Diabetes management. Moreover, he is renowned for providing the most-effective chronic diabetes, endocrinal disorders, and gestational diabetes treatment in Ghaziabad. 

Keep on reading to know about diabetes, its types, diabetes treatment, and more.

Diabetes Treatment

But what exactly is Diabetes? Let’s find out!

Understanding Diabetes

It is a disorder that happens when the blood sugar or glucose levels are abnormally high. Blood glucose is the primary and most essential source of energy derived from food. Insulin, a pancreatic hormone, allows glucose from food to enter your cells and be used for life. When your body produces inadequate or no insulin or does not use insulin effectively, glucose remains in the blood and doesn’t enter the cells.

Higher blood glucose levels can lead to diabetes or other health problems over time. Our diabetologist will assist in controlling your diabetes by providing effective diabetes treatment in Ghaziabad. 

Women testing blood sugar for diabetes

As a highly regarded expert in metabolic health, Dr. Chandra is a go-to specialist for treating Diabetes in Ghaziabad.

Let’s explore the most common signs and symptoms of Diabetes.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

The symptoms of diabetes include:

Frequent urination

Dry mouth and increased thirst

Increased hunger (particularly after eating)

Unexplained weight loss

Weak tired feeling

Blurred vision

Numbness or tingling in the palms or feet

Slow-healing sores or cuts

Dry or itchy skin

Frequent yeast infections or urinary tract infections

Types of Sexual Dysfunction and Their Symptoms​

Please book an appointment with Dr. Ayush Chandra to manage your diabetes and lead a healthy life.

What are the Types of Diabetes?

Type 1 Diabetes:

When the pancreas' insulin-producing cells (beta cells) are impaired, type I diabetes develops. It helps the pancreas to produce less insulin or none at all. As a result, sugar is unable to reach body cells for use as energy. Our diabetologist is ranked in the top-most position when people in Ghaziabad and Delhi search for “type 1 diabetes doctor near me”.

Insulin injections are mandatory for Type 1 diabetes patients to control blood glucose levels. It is a common type of diabetes in people under the age of 30, but it can affect anyone. Type 1 diabetes affects ten percent of the population.

Type 2 Diabetes:
The pancreas produces insulin in Type 2 diabetes, but it either doesn't make enough or doesn't work correctly. Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed in nine out of ten patients. This form affects mainly people over 40 years of age. But it can also affect children if risk factors are present.

Our diabetologist will help control your sugar through the best type 2 diabetes treatment in Ghaziabad and a balanced diet with regular exercise. Oral glucose-lowering drugs or insulin injections are also part of the treatment.

Other types of diabetes may occur in pregnancy (gestational diabetes) or due to surgery, certain medications, various ailments, and other specific causes.

What are the Causes of Diabetes?

Early diagnosis can be the key to finding practical solutions before the condition worsens.

Diagnosis of Diabetes

Accurate diagnosis is the first step toward effective treatment. Methods include:

Urine Analysis: A urine test can detect high blood glucose levels. If your blood glucose level is higher than 200 mg/dL, your doctor may consider you have diabetes. Your doctor will prescribe some extra tests to validate the diagnosis.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests: The doctor will draw your blood before the test. They'll then ask you to drink a liquid with a certain amount of glucose in it. After you drink the solution, your doctor will draw the blood every 30 to 60 minutes. The test will probably take up to three hours.

Fasting Blood Sugar Tests: When you haven't eaten or drank anything for at least eight hours, you have a fasting blood sugar test. Fasting blood glucose lesser than 100 mg/dl (5.6 mmol/l) is normal.

Diagnosis of Sexual Dysfunction​

Glycated hemoglobin (A1C) tests: You don't need to be fasting for the A1C exam. The A1C test is used to assess your average blood sugar levels for the previous two to three months. It determines how much blood sugar is bound to hemoglobin. The more sugar-attached to hemoglobin, the higher is your blood sugar level. You have diabetes if the A1C level is 6.5 percent or higher on two separate tests. Pre-diabetes is characterized as an A1C level of 5.7 percent to 6.4 percent. A percentage of less than 5.7 percent is considered natural.

Please book an appointment with Dr. Ayush Chandra to manage your diabetes and lead a healthy life.

Complications Associated with Diabetic Foot Problems ​

Retinopathy (eye disease):  Any diabetic patient should have a dilated eye test with an ophthalmologist (eye specialist).

Nephropathy (kidney disease): Urine tests should be performed once a year for all patients as high blood glucose may lead to kidney disease. You should also check blood pressure regularly. Most adults should keep their blood pressure below 140/90. Swelling in the legs or feet may be a symptom of kidney disease, so you should visit the doctor.

Neuropathy (nerve disease): Diabetes can cause nerve damage over time. It becomes troublesome for people with diabetes to feel sensations in their extremities. It's often hard for people to note that their shoes are rubbing because of the condition. Due to loss of sensitivity, you're more likely to suffer from diabetic foot, sores, wounds, and blisters.

Treatment Options for Sexual Dysfunction​

How can we manage diabetes?​

We cannot cure Diabetes permanently, but it can be managed and controlled. 

Dr. Chandra’s expertise in diabetes and metabolic health makes him a trusted choice for Diabetes treatment in Ghaziabad, which can also significantly improve overall health outcomes.

Why Choose Nivaran Health for Diabetes Treatment in Ghaziabad?

Consider Nivaran health for:

Nivaran Health is a well-equipped clinic specializing in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diabetes.

Our clinic provides a perfect blend of advanced treatment with a comprehensive approach towards the whole well-being of diabetic patients.

Besides Dr. Ayush Chandra, a qualified diabetologist in Delhi, our clinic has a super-specialist doctors’ team.

At Nivaran Health, we offer cost-efficient health packages for diabetes wellness, diabetes foot screening, pregnancy wellness, obesity control, and many more.

Confidential and Compassionate Service:

Why Choose Dr. Ayush Chandra?
Please book an appointment with Dr. Ayush Chandra to manage your diabetes and lead a healthy life.

Taking that first step to understand and treat it can be life-changing.


It is essential to control your blood sugar level. It can cause damage to your veins and arteries if your blood sugar is high. It could cause heart attacks, strokes, renal disease, neuropathy, eye problems, etc.

You can take Sugar-free food in small quantities in a healthy meal plan. However, beware that some of these products still contain carbohydrates that may affect your blood glucose levels. Many sugar-free foods have a lot of calories and carbohydrates, and fat. Be sure to read the labels of nutrition.

You can eat anything you like. You know what portion sizes you are putting on your plate and how much you are putting. A nutritionist can help you learn to count and plan your meal for carbohydrates.

A significant part of a healthy diet is carbohydrates. Eating portions of fruit, whole grains, low-fat milk, and yogurt is necessary for diabetes. Besides counting carbs, diabetic people can also benefit from eating lower fat, high fibre foods, and just enough calories to keep their weights normal.

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